Materialized Data Manager

The Materialized Data Manager ("MDM") is where non-admin, pro users can manage data source servers, databases, data models that they create. In the MCM, users can set security and add and edit metadata overlays for data models, enabling them to ensure that the data is named and described to each user role in the required way. The MDM appears as an option in the pro client content manager toolset, even though it's not strictly related to managing content, not the data sources or models.

The MDM is a version of the Data Source Manager provided to admins in the admin console but it can be used by non-admins.

Materialized Data vs Model Definitions

In Pyramid data flows and models are designed using the Model app. In designing these items, users create their required logic, flows and settings and store them in a definition file, which is saved in the content management system. Access to the definition file is defined and managed like all other content files on the system through tools like the content manager.It can be copied, moved, deleted, shared and secured through the same mechanics that are applied to all other content items in Pyramid (see image below).

When a Model definition file is run, it can produce or "MATERIALIZE" a new database, data model or machine learning model. These materialized artifacts, while generated from the definition file, are separate entities and can exist without the definition file. Further, they need to be secured and managed themselves using a different set of tools, since they do not (and cannot) exist in the standard content management system. The MDM for end-users is the tool for managing these materialized items. (The Data Source Manager is the tool for admins).

Setting and Managing Data Security

Model definition files, like all content files in the content manager, can be secured with roles (using the roles panel). However, the definition files can CONTAIN role security settings to be set or applied to the materialized data content created when the model file is run. The access rights determine which users can see (aka "read") the databases or data models and which ones can change them (aka "write"). These permissions are then saved in the model definition file and are materialized into the live database and / or live data model.

Once the materialized data artifacts have been created, admins can continue to administer and adjust these security settings through the Data Source Manager while model owners can administer the same security settings through the Materialized Data Manager - albeit with less scope and functionality.

Managing Materialized Data

The MDM offers a variety of tools to manage data sources - but only if the current user is the OWNER or CREATOR of the data source. If the user is not the owner, they will be able to view all accessible servers and data sources (as per their role access), but they will not be able to make changes or mange the data source.

  • Click here to see how to access and use the Materialized Data Manager.